Information for policy makers & service providers

NSW CDS logo displaying a child, adolescent and adult

We are committed to ensuring that the results of the study are communicated to relevant stakeholders and policymakers for maximum benefit to the community and future generations of Australians. Summaries of the results are provided in a range of formats for the benefit of a diverse range of stakeholders who have an interest in the findings. This will include the production of scientific reports for publication, conference and community presentations, policy briefs, and website communications. Our close ties with government agencies also provide a mechanism for presenting findings directly to policy makers and paractitioners.  

Contracted and commissioned research

The NSW-CDS has worked collaboratively with several Government Departments as part of formal partnerships under competitive Commonwealth grant schemes. The research team has also been commissioned to undertake discrete pieces of research to inform specific policy decisions, using both the NSW-CDS other government-held data assets. One of our primary objectives is to assist government to effectively target early interventions programs, and to provide a strong evidence base on which make universal public health investments. If you are interested in partnering with the NSW-CDS, or in contracting a specific piece of research within the scope of our themes (see below), please contact the study lead, Melissa Green.

Our four research themes

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Identify risk and protective factors affecting mental health and wellbeing from childhood to adulthood, including the earliest modifiable risk factors for targeted prevention programs.

Child Protection

Work collaboratively with Government to provide evidence-based findings to inform policy and practice reform in child protection, health and education.

Criminal Justice

Understanding the characteristics of young people who come into contact with the criminal justice system and the pathways of risk and resilience following early contact with the justice system.

Educational Attainment

Improving our understanding of the factors that impact students’ learning outcomes and engagement, and their relation to later mental health and social outcomes.