Together with the Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry (3DN) at UNSW Sydney, SPRC was commissioned by NSW Health to evaluate a three-year program aiming to improve the capacity of mainstream mental health services to support people living with intellectual disability and comorbid mental illness, and their families (the IDMH NDIS Program).

The evaluation assessed how well the IDMH NDIS Program meets its objectives, focussing on outcomes for consumers and their families. Evaluation methods included a review of program documentation, qualitative interviews with consumers, families, staff and other stakeholders, and analysis of quantitative program data, linked consumer outcome data across NSW Health and economic data. The evaluators worked with Council for Intellectual Disability (CID) to support research team members with intellectual disability.

Research Centre

Social Policy Research Centre

Research Area

Disability | Policy Design, Impact and Evaluation

Related people

Professor Karen Fisher
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Research Associate Christiane Purcal
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Adjunct Senior Lecturer Fredrick Zmudzki
Adjunct Senior Lecturer
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Associate Dean Indigenous; Senior Research Fellow BJ Newton
Associate Dean Indigenous; Senior Research Fellow
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