There is a vast array of scholarships offered here at the School of Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering. These scholarships can be accessed by both domestic and international students, at any educational level. Scholarships can seem daunting to apply for especially if you are applying directly out of High School. Here are some tips to ease the application process.

1. Ensure that you have read the eligibility requirements

The very first step in applying for a scholarship is to look through the eligibility requirements to see if they are applicable to you. Most scholarships require academic ability but there are others that focus on your personal qualities and your achievements outside academics.

There is a scholarship applicable to almost everyone. There are scholarships for students that aim to encourage greater educational participation from groups that have less representation in engineering such as women and those from rural areas. Some require you to be a member of a professional club, others require participation in your community.

2. Record all deadlines

A common query from students that contact the scholarships office is because they forgot to apply before the deadline. It is extremely rare for an extension to be applied for a scholarship application. Keep all deadlines in your calendar or set up reminders on your devices to apply on time. Also, remember to allow enough time for each application so that you are not caught unaware at the last minute.

“I feel extremely privileged to be awarded this scholarship, as the cost of living out of home in Sydney was a huge obstacle that would have stopped me from attending UNSW.
“The scholarship eases the financial burden and allows me to focus on my study and to embrace the university lifestyle”.

Liam Kelly-Sigurdsson – Recipient of the Mitsubishi Rural Scholarship in Mining Engineering.

3. You can apply at any time at any university stage

There are scholarships at nearly every stage of education. So, it is vital to check that you are at the right stage for the scholarship, that means if it is meant to be applied before commencement of the degree or if it is meant to be applied in later years such your second, third or fourth year. If you find that you were ineligible for a previously applied scholarship, you can always apply later in your degree.

4. Highlight not only your achievements but your personality

It is not only your grades that matter. You need to demonstrate what makes you stand out from other applicants. Some scholarship applications require a video interview, so feel free to display your personality, passions, ambitions and why you should be chosen for the scholarship over other applicants. Scholarship assessors are looking for applicants that can maintain not only their studies but extracurricular pursuits as well.

“I was lucky enough to be awarded the prestigious Glencore Mining Engineering Scholarship. This opportunity has provided me with invaluable work experience, which I now consider to be an integral part of my learning here at UNSW.
“The generous financial aid has also given me the ability to reduce my part-time work, and tailor more time towards my studies and career development”.

Valentin Salamakha – Recipient of the Glencore Mining Engineering Scholarship.

5. Check your editing

Ensure that you have crosschecked your application. It is very easy to make mistakes especially if you are in a hurry to submit. Therefore, you should ensure that you are allowing enough time to apply. You can use professional editing software, or you can ask a friend to crosscheck to avoid any mistakes. Common mistakes to look out for are spelling errors, incorrect punctuation, poor sentencing structure, misuse of wrong words, grammar mistakes and a lack of detail.

6. Ensure you attach all supporting documentation

You may be required to supply documents such as your educational transcripts, proof of enrolment, certificate of participation, membership to certain societies etc. A common mistake is students forgetting to attach all relevant supporting documentation to their application. The scholarships team at UNSW can only assess applications that are backed up with appropriate documentation. If you are unsure about any step, ensure that you contact the UNSW scholarships office by email at scholarships@unsw.edu.au at least one week prior to the deadline.

“Being awarded a scholarship makes so much difference to the way you spend time at uni. Not having to worry about money and not needing to stress about working a certain number of hours in a week means you can devote yourself to your degree or to your social life as much as you want.

“It gives you the freedom to make this part of your life so much more memorable and enjoyable. Being a student at the MERE school also gives you so many opportunities to receive different scholarships, you should definitely apply!”.

Alexander Ney – Recipient of the Henry Salisch SPE Award in Petroleum Engineering.

7. Be certain that you can keep up with the conditions required

Most scholarships upon acceptance require you to maintain a particular level of academic performance especially if it is a longer-term scholarship. This could mostly be maintaining a high academic record, though it may also include contributing to community life, holding only one scholarship at a time, maintaining good conduct, not going on suspension or leave, continuous reference checks etc. Ensure that you have read through the conditions and that you are able to maintain the conditions required to keep the scholarship.

8. Apply to as many as you can

Last but not least, remember to apply for as many scholarships as you can. It’s important to note that some scholarships bring along professional benefits as well and could even land you with a graduate role upon completion of your degree. These benefits include but are not limited to industry experience, mentoring, networking, professional development, and financial support. Apply to all applicable scholarships that you are eligible for to increase your chances.

“I hold the Co-op Petroleum Scholarship. It has meant that I could actually afford to move to Sydney and pay for all my accommodation costs.
“It’s been financially freeing, but it also provided invaluable internships with my sponsor company”.

Gizelle van Wyk – Recipient of the Co-op Petroleum Scholarship.