
People gathering in a conference room

The Centre for Applied Economic Research (CAER) holds several events each year. In this section you can find out more about upcoming events or download papers and programs from past events.

Past events

  • 25 November 2022 (Hybrid event)

    The Economic Measurement Initiative of the Centre for Applied Economic Research hosted itstwenty-second annual international workshop.

    The aim of the workshop is to create a genuine engagement between academics, statistical agencyresearchers, government policy makers and industry representatives from all around the world, leading to an improved understanding of economic measurement and the potential impact on policy.

  • Prospects for a Post-pandemic Productivity Boom

    11 November 2022 (Online event)

    Featuring a presentation by Chad Syverson (University of Chicago), this Workshop examines the potential for a post-pandemic productivity recovery, reversing the productivity slowdown experienced across industrialised countries since the mid-2000s.

  • November 26, 2021- Online Event

    The Economic Measurement Initiative of the Centre for Applied Economic Research is hosting itstwenty-first annual international workshop.

    The aim of the workshop is to create a genuine engagement between academics, statistical agencyresearchers, government policy makers and industry representatives from all around the world, leading to an improved understanding of economic measurement and the potential impact on policy.

  • October 29, 2021 - Online Event

    The Covid-19 pandemic and associated public health restrictions havesignificantly changed aspects of the economy.

    ThisWorkshoppresents papers which use innovative data sources and methods to gain a better understanding of the impact of the pandemic on the cost of living, the diet of different socioeconomic groups, and productivity.

  • September 24, 2021- Online Event

    The Covid-19 pandemic and associated public health restrictions have significantly changed aspects of the economy. These changes have challenged existing measures of economic activity.

  • November 27, 2020, Sydney Australia

    The Economic Measurement Initiative of the Centre for Applied Economic Research is hosting its twentiethannual international workshop, supported by the UNSW Business School, the School of Economics and the Australian Research Council

  • February 13, 2020, Sydney Australia

    TheBusiness Longitudinal Analysis Data Environment (BLADE)is an ABS microdata product that combines tax data from businesses with information from ABS surveys and other government sources to provide a comprehensive research base on Australian businesses and the economy.

  • December 5-6, 2019, Sydney Australia

    The Economic Measurement Initiative of the Centre for Applied Economic Research is hosting its nineteenth annual international workshop, supported by the UNSW Business School, the School of Economics and the Australian Research Council.

  • November 29-30, 2018, Sydney Australia

    The Economic Measurement Initiative of the Centre for Applied Economic Research is hosting its eighteenth annual international workshop, supported by the UNSW Business School, the School of Economics and the Australian Research Council.

  • December 1, 2017, Sydney Australia

    The Economic Measurement Initiative of the Centre for Applied Economic Research is hosting its seventeenth annual international workshop, supported by the UNSW Business School, the School of Economics and the Australian Research Council.

  • December 2, 2016, Sydney Australia

    The Economic Measurement Initiative of the Centre for Applied Economic Research hosted its sixteenth annual international workshop on December 2, 2016 at Theatre LG05, Tyree Energy Technologies Building (TETB), UNSW main campus. The event was supported by the UNSW Business School, the School of Economics and the Australian Research Council.


    EMG Workshop 2016 program

    Papers & presentations

    Paul Schreyer, OECD
    “Measuring GDP in a Digitalised Economy”

    Kevin Fox, UNSW
    “The Digital Economy, GDP and Consumer Welfare”

    Marcel van Kints, Australian Bureau of Statistics
    “Enhancing Australia’s CPI”

    Prasada Rao, University of Queensland
    “Spatial Chaining and Weighted GEKS methods for International Comparisons of Prices and Real Expenditures”

    Ken Clements, University of Western Australia
    “Engel’s Law, Diet Diversity and the Quality of Food Consumption”

    Yu (Eric) Sheng, ABARES
    “Cross-regional Comparison of Agricultural TFP in Australian Broadacre Industry: Climate Change and Its Impact”

    Derek Burnell, Australian Bureau of Statistics
    “Productivity Growth Cycles at Industry Level”

    Erwin Diewert, UBC & UNSW
    “Decomposing Value Added Growth Over Sectors into Explanatory Factors”

  • September 6, 2016, Sydney Australia

    The Real Estate Initiative of the Centre for Applied Economic Research hosted its second annual Real Estate Symposium on September 6, 2016 at the Tyree Room, Scientia Conference and Events Centre, John Niland Scientia building, UNSW main campus. The event was supported by the UNSW Business School, RF Capital and the Australian Research Council.


    Real estate Symposium 2016 Program

    Papers & presentations

    Fred Hilmer, Professor and former Vice Chancellor, UNSW
    “Competition Policy and Real Estate”

    Tim Lawless, Research Director, Asia Pacific, CoreLogic
    “The Outlook for Sydney Dwelling Values: Affordability, Supply Levels and Rental Markets”

    Peter Jolly, Global Head of Research - Fixed Income, Currencies & Commodities Product & Markets, National Australia Bank
    “How Overpriced are Australian Dwellings? – An application of Tobin’s q”

    Glenn Otto, UNSW Business School
    “How Connected are Australia’s Major Housing Markets?”

    Alicia Rambaldi, University of Queensland
    “The Value of Urban Land: Tax Revenue and Beyond”

    Nigel Stapledon, UNSW Business School
    “Options for Value Capture”

  • December 4, 2015, Sydney Australia

    The Economic Measurement Initiative of the Centre for Applied Economic Research hosted its 15th annual international workshop onDecember 4, 2015at the Pioneer International Theatre, UNSW Conference and Residential Centre, AGSM Building, UNSW main campus. The event was supported by the UNSW Business School, the School of Economics and the Australian Research Council.


    EMG Workshop 2015 program

    Papers & presentations

    Erwin Diewert, University of British Columbia and UNSW
    "Output Growth and Inflation across Space and Time"

    Carl Obst, University of Melbourne
    “Completing the Picture: Bringing Ecosystem Services into MFP”

    Ulrich Kohli, University of Geneva
    "Explaining Total Factor Productivity"

    Cameron Dark, UNSW
    “Optimal Inflation Measures for Targeting under Sectoral Heterogeneity”

    Amani Elnasri, UNSW
    “Assessing Adequacy of Knowledge Capital Investment”

    Owen Gabbitas, Productivity Commission
    “Reconciling Projected Capital Deepening with Historical Estimates”

  • January 30, 2015, Sydney Australia

    The Health Economic Group of the Centre for Applied Economic Research (CAER) held its 12th annual Summer Workshop onJanuary 30, 2015at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

  • September 8, 2015, Sydney Australia

    The Real Estate Initiative of the Centre for Applied Economic Research hosted its inaugural annual Real Estate Symposium on September 8, 2015 at the Boral Lecture Theatre, UNSW Conference and Residential Centre, AGSM Building, UNSW main campus. The event was supported by the UNSW Business School, RF Capital and the Australian Research Council.


    Papers & presentations

    Luci Ellis, Head of Financial Stability, Reserve Bank of Australia
    “Property Markets and Financial Stability: What We Know So Far”

    David Rees, Regional Director & Head of Research Australasia, JLL
    “Three Unresolved Problems in Commercial Real Estate”

    Stephen McNabb, Head of Research, CBRE - Australia Research
    “Capital Attraction – the Rise of Australia as an Investment Destination”

    Nigel Stapledon, CAER - UNSW Business School
    “Rent-Price Ratios in Sydney and Melbourne LGAs 1986-2014”

    Harley Dale, Chief Economist, Housing Industry Association
    “Gauging Demand and Supply Balance in the Australian Housing Market”

    Maggie Hu, UNSW Business School
    “Cultural Distance and House Prices: the Australian Market”

    Glenn Otto, UNSW Business School
    “Explosive Behaviour in Australian Housing Markets: Rational bubbles or not?”

    Warwick Jones, Director, Bureau of Infrastructure Transport and Regional Economics
    “Globalisation and the Effects on Australian Housing Markets”

  • December 5, 2014, Sydney Australia

    The Economic Measurement Initiative of the Centre for Applied Economic Research hosted its fourteenth annual international workshop onDecember 5, 2014at the Pioneer International Theatre, UNSW Conference and Residential Centre, AGSM Building, UNSW main campus.


    EMG Workshop 2014 program

    Papers &presentations

    Paul Schreyer, Deputy Director of Statistics, OECD
    “The OECD Inclusive Growth Framework: First Results and Plans for the Future”

    Ulrich Kohli, University of Geneva
    “Who Gains Most from Trade?”

    Yu (Eric) Sheng, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences
    “Cross-country Consistent Estimation of Agricultural Productivity: The Superlative vs. the Quantity-based Index Approach”

    Kevin Fox, UNSW ԻErwin Diewert, UBC & UNSW
    “Money and the Measurement of Total Factor Productivity”

    Jan de Haan, Statistics Netherlands & Delft University of Technology
    “Accounting for Spatial Variation of Land Prices in Hedonic Imputation House Price Indexes”

    Glenn Otto, UNSW
    "The Elasticity of Housing Supply in NSW"

    Nigel Stapledon, UNSW
    “Capital City Price-to-Rent Ratios in Australia - An In-depth Look at Melbourne”

  • August 6, 2014, Sydney Australia

    Professor Richard Holden, co-director of the CAER Law & Economics Initiative, has won the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia (ASSA) Panel B award for Early Career Research. In celebration of this great achievement the Centre for Applied Economic Research (CAER) at UNSW in conjunction with the ASSA organized a public lecture event on August 6th 2014. At this event Professor Holden brilliantly presented an interesting lecture on “New Perspectives on the Law and Economics of Elections”.

  • January 31, 2014, Sydney Australia

    The CAER Health Economics Group held its 11th Summer Workshop in the Economics of Health and Ageing on31 January 2014at the Crown Plaza Hotel, Coogee Beach, Sydney.

  • November 28-29, 2013, Sydney Australia

    The Economic Measurement Initiative of the Centre for Applied Economic Research hosted its thirteenth annual international workshop on November 28-29, 2013 at The Sebel Peir One, Dawes Point, Sydney. The event was supported by the UNSW Business School, Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Productivity Commission and the Australian Research Council.


    EMG Workshop 2013 Program

    Papers & presentations

    Marshall Reinsdorf,U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
    “A Test of Hedonic Price Indexes for Imports”

    Iqbal Syed, UNSW
    “Hedonic Price Indexes for High Tech Products”

    Jonathan Haskel, Imperial College Business School
    “Constructing a Price Deflator for R&D: Calculating the Price of Knowledge Investments as a Residual”

    Dan Sichel, Wellesley College
    “Is the Information Technology Revolution Over?”

    • Presentation

    Wojciech Szewczyk, European Commission, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies and Russel Cooper, UNSW, Canberra
    “The Ubiquitous Internet, ICT Productivity and Household Economic Welfare”

    Cristian RotaruԻFranklin Soriano, Australian Bureau of Statistics
    “Flexible Working Arrangements, Collaboration, ICT, and Innovation: A Panel Data Analysis”

    • Background paper
    • Presentation

    Jason Potts, RMIT University ԻStuart Cunningham, QUT
    “Digital Media and Content Industries: A study of the impact on household production”

    Emili Tortosa-Ausina, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
    “Banking Integration Indicators: Is Full Integration Desirable?”

    • Presentation

    Prasada Rao, University of Queensland
    “Purchasing Power Parities, Price Levels and Measures of Regional and Global Inflation”

    • Background paper
    • Presentation

    Derek BurnellԻKen Ren, Australian Bureau of Statistics

    “Measuring Natural Resources for Australia’s Mining Indust”

    • ʰԳٲپDz

    Kenneth Clements, University of Western Australia
    “Understanding New Resource Projects”

    Jan de Haan, Statistics Netherlands and Delft University of Technology
    “Online Data, Fixed Effects and the Construction of High-Frequency Price Indexes”

    Chihiro Shimizu, Reitaku University
    “Separating the Age Effect from a Repeat Sales Index: Land and structure decomposition”

    • Background paper
    • ʰԳٲپDz

    Robert HillԻMichael Scholz, University of Graz
    “Incorporating Geospatial Data into House Price Indexes: A Hedonic Imputation Approach with Splines”

  • January 31, 2013, Sydney Australia

    The Health Economic Group of the Centre for Applied Economic Research (CAER) held its tenth annual Summer Workshop on January 31 and February 1, 2013 at the Coogee Crowne Plaza Hotel, Sydney.