Am I eligible to join WiRN?

Membership is open to all women at UNSW. We welcome cis and trans HDR candidates, academics and professional staff, who are working in research development and management. You must subscribe using your UNSW (or affiliated unit/centre) email address. 


To find out more about events held in the WiRN chapter in Canberra please contact the current Canberra rep.

Executive committee membership

WiRN activities are organised by a central committee, comprising representatives from each of the UNSW Faculties. If you are interested in becoming a committee member, please contact your current Faculty representative; if your Faculty does not have a current representative, please get in touch with the current WiRN Chair.


Once you register, your name will be added to the mailing list and receive our regular newsletters and information on upcoming events.


You can also join our Teams page to keep up to date.

News and events

To see what the WiRN has been up to and to see what is on the horizon, check out our news and events.

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with the WiRN Executive Committee, please don’t hesitate to contact us at wirn@unsw.edu.au.